• Third years shape of the future of 'Meet Lincoln'

    Third year students from the University of Lincoln’s BA (Hons) Creative Advertising course are playing a central role in the creation of a new marketing and advertising campaign to promote the city as a quality business tourism destination.

    ‘Meet Lincoln’ was launched by a group of businesses within the Visit Lincoln Partnership. And whilst a main focus of Visit Lincoln is to increase the volume of leisure and short break visitors to Lincoln, Meet Lincoln will focus on raising awareness of the city as a place to meet, host conferences and bring events into the area.

    Visit Lincoln Partnership manager, Emma Tatlow, asked third year Creative Advertising students to come up with the 'big idea' to promote Lincoln as a place for meetings and events.

    Emma said: ‘Working in collaboration with the University on this project is really exciting. Whilst Visit Lincoln has developed a brand for the city, the students were asked to take this to the next level and come up with a creative concept for business tourism that could be applied to a range of media - such as print advertising, exhibition stands, direct mail and digital executions.

    ‘The students have thrown themselves into this project and I'm really impressed with the depth of their research into the target audiences and thinking carefully about Lincoln's unique selling points, and how the city can best be promoted to a business audience.’ 

    The third year students were given the project as a competitive brief. They competed against each other to produce the best campaign and the staff team selected the best six. The shortlisted six campaigns would have all worked well as different marketing campaigns and they were produced by: Lily Hurst & Will Blackburn (with 2 solutions!); Lucy Eldridge & Ben Williams; Becky Rowlands & Vicky Thompson; Amanda Elvidge & Lily Peters; and Sophie MacDonald & Chris White.

    The shortlisted teams presented their proposals to the client panel (Emma Tatlow; Niki Shepheard – Business Dev Manager, Lincolnshire Events Centre; and Creative Advertising lecturers Mike Belton and Gyles Lingwood) at the Old Palace hotel in Lincoln.

     Lucy and Ben presenting to the client panel

     Becky & Vicky present their concept

    Amanda & Lily listen to client feedback

     Sophie & Chris explaining their 'big idea'

     Lily & Will

     Lily in full presentation mode

    The client panel (Emma, Niki and Mike) deep in discussion 

    It was a incredibly difficult decision but only one presentation could win...

    It was deceided that Becky & Vicky's idea was the winner. It really captured the client's imagination by using inspiring individuals from the county's past right through to the present day. Congratulations girls!

    Now that the Visit Lincoln Partnership have the ‘big idea’ this winning concept will now be passed to a local design agency to develop into a workable design. Once this has been done we will reveal whole Meet Lincoln marketing and communications campaign.

    The staff team believe it is really important for our students to work to a real, ‘live’ brief. The Meet Lincoln project gave our students the opportunity of working with a client and practice using their creative thinking and communication skills to solve a real-world, commercial problem.

    We have such a pool of talented young people on the course and the work that the students have done on this project will bring a tangible benefit to businesses in Lincoln and Lincolnshire.

    Watch this space for when we reveal the final campaign...!


  • Lincoln students attend YCC's Unite VI

    A post from level three student Lucy Everett:-

    The Young Creative Council have been organising their Unite evenings for a few years now and some of Lincoln's Creative Advertising third year students were shortlisted to attend, so they headed off to Shoreditch for a quick one-day trip, folios in hand.

    The event is for young creative advertisers to show off their work in order to catch the eye of creative directors and make contacts with other creatives in the industry, senior and junior alike.

    Third years Lucy, Vicky, Mike and Lexi

    Work was on show from creatives currently on agency placements and those looking for placements. The night consisted of a small room, lots of people, a little alcohol, lots of portfolios and plenty of chatter and sound advice.

    Our day trip visit resulted in catching up with fellow Lincoln Creative Advertising students, which helped us make even more contacts, as well as see how they were getting on.

    Past Lincoln graduates Dom, Björn and Christina

    Overall the night was a great success! Lots of new faces, new contacts and new friends as well as filling a room with mainly Lincoln students past and present.

    Thank you YCC – looking forward to seeing you at Unite VII!


  • Creative Detox workshop

    Last week close friend of the course Mandy Wheeler, from creative training company Punch It Up, came and ran the wonderful Creative Detox workshop for the Creative Advertising third years. 

    Third year student Vicki Thompson writes:-

    ‘The whole workshop was all about ‘unleashing’ our unconscious ideas to create the best work that we can. Mandy led us through a number of exercises over half a day to help us practice getting thoughts flowing and to get around the rules that, over time, we set ourselves about what our work ‘must’ be.

    ‘During the workshop we explored techniques on to produce ideas in the form of several weird but fun activities that we can now repeat in our own time either on our own or as part a creative team. By the end of the session we were all aware of how we were inadvertently not realising our full potential as creative individuals and what we could do about it. I learnt so much in a short time.

    ‘Thank you to Mandy from all of University of Lincoln’s third year Creative Advertising students for such an inspiring session.’


  • Dave Morris 'arguments' workshops

    Last week Lincoln's Creative Advertising third years were lucky enough to attend a workshop by advertising education guru, Dave Morris (pictured above). Here's third year student Mike Barber to tell you more:-

    ‘We didn’t know what to expect but after Daves visit last year we knew it would be incredibly useful. We learnt so much throughout the day, it would be hard to cover it all in one review. The overall theme of the workshop was creating convincing arguments, something that is important in all decent advertising. Dave set us a brief before the workshop, that involved making some very strange or difficult arguments. We presented our persuasive arguments in front of everyone and the feedback we received was very helpful. The arguments that we made in our presentations were continued throughout the day in a range of fascinating and entertaining ways.

    We also learned about the importance of straplines; how we can write better ones; the use of the taboo” and better ways of getting our point across. I think I can speak for everyone when I say it was such a useful day and although it left us creatively exhausted, we learnt so much and now have another tool in our creative toolkit to use as we tackle new briefs. It was great to have another perspective on our ideas.

    Thank you Dave for a truly inspiring and helpful day.’


  • Women vs Food

    Here's a post from Annie Richardson, Senior Lecturer in Design History and Cultural Contexts at the University of Lincoln, that provides some true food for thought:-

    Food is good to think with. Of course, all humans have to eat to survive but food is also a key indicator of cultural differences and cultural change. Everyone eats, but cultures vary widely in what and how. So food becomes ritualised, a bonding mechanism, a way of expressing cultural hierarchies, in short, a symbol. Food enables us to think about what cultures value, and how they are changing. If Creative Advertisers need an exemplary topic to chew on (sorry!), this is it.

    Our second-year Creative Advertising students went to some lengths to experience food rituals for themselves and engage in some primary research. One of the most arresting topics was competitive eating. Students Jade Andrews, Emily Collins and Christina Wornum for their Women v. Food project braved a local restaurant’s offer: ‘Eat your way through a giant pile of burgers and chips and you get your photo in their hall of fame!’ Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the girls failed the challenge.

    What they did succeed in, however, was generating plenty of ideas. Does this hark back to earlier times? The earliest times when there was competition for food? Competitive eating contests in America – where the current popular sport appears to have originated – itself had its roots in pie-eating competitions in county fairs. But why is competitive eating popular now? In terms of TV entertainment we can see how food has become associated with the competitive elements in reality TV programming, not just Man v Food, the popular US show, but a range of other programmes such as those featuring celebrity chefs.

    It’s easier to think about the more strictly commercial reasons for competitive eating than the cultural ones. Competitions attract custom to restaurants, branded sponsorship deals, groups of increasingly well-known eating champions, and high entertainment value. That part is not so hard to understand. It’s  developed commercial and media momentum.

    But what if we try to explain it from a cultural angle? After all we live in ‘foodie times’ ever questing after the exotic, authentic and adventurous in our cuisine. We disparage waste. We have diet-awareness thrust upon us. On the other hand, as Jade, Emily and Christine pointed out, actually tasting and savouring real food is on the decline through grazing habits in contemporary family life and a continuous supply, no longer seasonally-based, of any type of food from all over the world.

    Perhaps competitive eating is a symptom of that decline. Perhaps competitors appeal to us because they are ordinary people who just have this rather odd but special talent. Potentially anyone could do it and become a ‘sports’ champion without all the training needed for athletic prowess– and many are encouraged to try. Journalists examining the issue emphasise the sheer sickening horror and pain of the binge experience. And there seems to be an assumption that competitive eating won’t take off here in the UK, at least not to the same extent as in the US, that somehow British culture with its traditions of restraint will prove resistant. Of course, from the restaurants’ point of view, there are obvious advantages (at least, restaurants with a certain type of clientele in mind presumably.) So watch this space!

    Whether you fancy your chances of winning a competition or not, you might enjoy watching this short film of the girls’ heroic efforts. Bon appetit!


  • Doddlebugs

    One of the hardest things to do as a creative, but busy, individual is keep a strong momentum. You constantly need ways to stay creatively busy by changing the type of activities you do.

    Doodling, for example, is lots of fun but also very stimulating and, when that doodle is with a large group can be a great way of connecting people who do not necessarily know each other that well.

    The Creative Advertising Society are always coming up with ways they can bring every year group closer together and recently they held a GIANT DOODLE event.

    Everybody took their shoes off, gathered round some huge sheets of paper and let all their worries slip away as they responded, pen in hand, to the various DOODLE INSTRUCTIONS they were given by the Society team on hand.

    What resulted was somewhere between an explosion in a Sharpie factory and Banksy's first graffiti lesson but it was nevertheless energetic, momentum building and very, very social.



  • BFF's Forever

    On a wet October afternoon the Creative Advertising 2nd and 3rd years took over the studio to run a session designed to help new 1st years feel at home on the course.

    The session, organised by Emma Thomas (2nd Year) paired new 1st years with their elders in the years above so they could have a students perspective on what it's like to be a student in Lincoln and particularly on this course.

    It's always important to us that no individual or year group becomes separate from the course values and it becomes particularly useful for everybody to know everybody else when, in a few years, they are looking for their first contacts in the industry. 

    Who knows? This could be the start of a (few) beautiful friendship(s) and the people our 1st years connected with in this session could be the contact the one to bring them in on placement when they leave.

    Thanks so Emma and her team for such a rewarding afternoon.


  • Incredible St John Ambulance ad by Charlene

    If you haven't sen the new St John Ambulance ad, Helpless, then we strongly recommend that do so now!

    It was created by Lincoln Creative Advertising graduate Charlene Chandrasekaran and her creative partner Dan Morris who work at BBH (Bartle Bogle Hegarty). You can read more about the campaign on the BBH website.

    The hard-hitting new campaign film draws a startling comparison between the number of people who lose their lives each year due to cancer, and those who die in situations where first aid could have given them a chance to live.

    Wonderful and gut-wrenchingly powerful stuff, Charlene. We love it.


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