• Vix's Barclays Premiership campaign continues...

    Following on from the post on this blog in August about Lincoln Creative Advertising graduate Vix Jagger, with her creative partner Ric Hooley (who work at ad agency BBH), creating the 'thank you' ad to English fans for the Barclays Premiership, we have an update...

    ...the latest ad in the campaign will be aired this week. In this ad Barclays thank the far-flung fans around the world for supporting their Premier League teams.

    The spot features an Arsenal-supporting father and son in Africa, a group of Tottenham Hotspur fans in the US and a Manchester United follower in Hong Kong, and shows the effort they make to get behind their teams. A voiceover says: 'Long-distance relationships can be the hardest.'

    The work was directed by Seb Edwards through Academy.


  • CA's next top model

    Every year at around this time we welcome a host of excited, eager students who are about to get on a rollercoaster they hope will drop them in the centre of the Ad Industry three years from now.

    It's a special time, welcoming a bunch of new faces into our family, and what better way to welcome people into your family than make them prance up and down wearing T-Shirts with their name on?

    And what's even better than that?

    Taking pictures of them and plastering them on the internet, of course.

    So, here we go. A few of our new intake, looking very cool indeed.




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