University of Lincoln Creative Advertising graduates Brooke Cutmore and Ruud Kool have been very busy over the last few months creating a TV campaign for The pair, who work at Creature London have collaborated with animators to create a visually arresting campaign which is currently on air across the UK, we'll let Ruud explain more in his own words.
"So far, we've made four ads for, as you might have seen two of them are already on air in the UK. The other two are soon to air in the United States.
The idea for the ads was to let influential entrepreneurs tell their story, and encourage others to start something remarkable themselves. All people featured in the ads did actually start their business through, as they had their first business cards printed by the company. So the truth is that was there in the beginning.
We worked with a French director/animator called Steven Briand. He originally created the video below which was a key inspiration for the art direction of the ads.
Keep an eye on to catch the two American ads when they go live!"