• Posted by : Unknown Thursday, March 28, 2013

    The third years have just returned to Lincoln following a very busy and intense week in London where, between them, they visited 8 top London ad agencies and a recruitment agency.

    During the week they visited The Talent Business, AMV BBDO, DLKW Lowe, Creature, Mother, VCCP, Ogilvy, Inferno and 4Creative.

    The next few blog posts are reports from the students telling how they got on and what they learned.

    AMV BBDO - Lucy Everett

    AMV BBDO’s mission when it first started was to simply be the best communications agency.

    With this in mind, when we were all set a brief to advertise the Museum of Childhood via digital media as well as ambient, we knew the message needed to be clear and simple.

    Our agency visit consisted of a morning critique of the work that we had produced for the above brief with Creative Partner Mark Fairbanks followed with a new brief to complete during the course of the day. We were split into groups, given a middleweight creative team to use for their vast knowledge and were to complete the task of convincing people our age to start their pension scheme.

    The day allowed us to tackle the brief, learn more about how AMV’s creatives tackle new briefs as well as learn how the industry works.

    At 5pm we had our final crit with the other teams and Mark, each team presented their numerous ideas and we discussed which ideas were the most effective, learning about how best to target the audience, how to present in an agency and what worked best.

    Overall the day was a huge success as we each learned all about new aspects of the industry, AMV as an agency and how our teams work under pressure. It was a fantastic opportunity for broadening our knowledge and advertising skills.


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