• Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, April 12, 2016

    Even after the crit they were still optimistic. 

    Thursday, the Lincoln Mafia rolled up to Wieden + Kennedy at the chilled out time of 12pm. Greeted by Artur (of Philippa & Artur) we traded stories about his time at Lincoln. Artur kindly introduced us to W+K’s most recent creative team, Billy & George, two New Zealanders who shared an impressive story of working around the world, completing three month placements at some outstanding agencies, before being joined by Ben & Sophie, two charismatic Creative Directors.

    Prior to London week we were set a brief and the teams took turns presenting their work, like something from The Apprentice (only we couldn't get fired). Ben & Sophie quickly saw the potential in everyone’s ideas, leaving us all guessing as to who would come out on top.

    Whilst they stepped outside of the room to decide we helped ourselves to free popcorn, drinks and W+K pencils.They re entered and with no drum roll, announced we had swayed them! High-5’s all round. However our surprised reactions lead to a mumbled ‘oh wow thanks’ before eyeing up our Wieden’s goodie bag. We received a Wieden + Kennedy Moleskin notebook, “Move Me Dude” t-shirt (a quote from Dan Wieden) each and a bottle of Chambord, which now sits proudly on our desk at uni.

    Wieden + Kennedy is a phenomenal agency, who appear to have a fun and passionate work ethic, which is shines through as they regularly create award winning pieces. Each of us thoroughly enjoyed the agency and meeting those who work there. I’m sure most of us shall be hassling them for book crits within the next few days. (I know we will be). Shaun and Izzi.


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