• Posted by : Unknown Friday, April 15, 2016

     Jo does Rabbit shadow puppets in order to impress the staff at GREY

    After the nice change of a late start, either filled with fancy breakfasts or yet more book crits, we all met up at Hatton Garden to visit the Grey offices. Unfortunately a large number of Group A were banned from the area (something about a heist?) but we went ahead regardless, and met in the reception where we hurriedly practiced our pitches for the Bose brief. 

    The day started with a quick tour from past Lincoln team Rob and Sam who helped give us a feel for the agency, best summed up by the line ‘famously effective’. Seeing as Grey have created some amazing work in the past we were spoilt for choice with the people who came to speak to us and got to meet both Rasmus Smith Bech part of the team that created Volvo Life Paint and also Simon Brotherson one of the ECD’S.

    As if the array of Mcvities goodies on the table wasn’t enough, Simon brought with him two huge boxes of his own past D&AD annuals with him and handed them all out for us to keep. We were told to study them cover to cover, and make sure that within our work we spend time and effort on craft. Following his whirlwind talk, Simon left just about as quickly as he arrived and was followed by Lex and Jamie the team in charge of placements before we had a crit of our Bose work for sound cancelling headphones. Two lucky pieces of work won, and were awarded the chance of a book crit with Lex and Jamie to help get their book London ready. At the end of the day yet more beers were handed out and we took to the streets to find free wifi to prepare for BBH tomorrow. 


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